Collaborative work

Here is an overview of projects that I have been involved in. Click here to see my projects


Games in Concert: The Score – Wildvreemd

The Smartphone Orchestra is combining forces with The Metropole Orchestra for the development of interactive experience ‘Games In Concert: The Score’. In this project the audience gets an active role during a concert. Elements from the gaming world, like storytelling, rhythm-games and specially composed gamemusic, are being combined in this project with a live orchestra, with the goal being to create a completely new experience for concert visitors. We are creating an interaction between participants, a game and a live orchestra. The audience will download an app to their phone that will enable them to play a couple of games. These games connect people in the audience to each other, but also have an influence on the orchestra.

We’ve recently had a test of which documentation has been made, click here to watch that video

My involvement: I’m one of the 3 developers with my focus being on game design. I’m also involved with development of the concept and I’m the main visual designer.

TDCS: Hyperchange

TDCS Hyperchange is a virtual reality installation exploring sensations in the moments of hyper-consciousness related to climate change. Those are the moments in our daily lives, when we face difficult decisions, deep inner thoughts, doubt, guilt, pride, or regret. This installation investigates how our minds process climate-influencing microdecisions. By entering the virtual reality world, we enter the introspection space, where we can experience and be fully present and address our unconscious.
My involvement:  Ideation, development and programming

Click here for more information about this project. 

The Imaginary Friend – Steye Hallema

The Imaginary Friend is a surrealistic interactive and cinematic Virtual Reality experience in which you, the viewer, are the fantasy of the main character. The story is completely told from your point of view as this imaginary friend. You will be present in the story, through the imagination of the main character. At moments you might even feel responsible for him, since, because of you, he does things that cause him danger. The Imaginary Friend is a tale that can only be told in Virtual Reality and is the type of stories that should be told through this medium. It is about making people believe the impossible and making use of the magic of imagination. It is an experience that explores the new place of the spectator in immersive stories in a very clear manner, fully utilizing the altered sense of empathy that this feeling of being present in a virtual world can create and trying to involve the viewer as intimately as possible.

Take flight in this soaring interactive experience and dive in to the real feeling of virtual presence.

My involvement:  developer

Click here for more information about this project. 


Wanneer we opgroeien – Kevita Junior

Project description will be added here soon!

My involvement:  Technical support and assistance with the recording of the podcasts.

Click here for more information about this project. 

Janus – Daniël Lokerse

Janus, the two-faced man in Roman mythology. In 1990 Daniëls father based his story around this character. A story which seemed to predict his fathers own suicide in 2013. In a multi-media installation Daniël explores what it means to mourn and how we deal with this as a society. The multiple elements and media (a video game, animation, found-footage, soundscape and photograph) represent the multiple stages of grief as a non-linear experience. You build up an increasingly thickening skin in your lifetime and an event like this makes it burst. This makes every experience intense, the sad moments but also the happy ones. This transition from loss to enrichment is central in the installation.

My involvement: Developing an interactive game about the mourning stage depression.

Click here for more information about this project

Het nu – Koen van Driel

(text in dutch)
Door het behouden van een sterke meditatieve aanwezigheid probeert Roos (25) om te gaan met de naderende dood van haar oma. Maar is dit de juiste weg? Tijdens een weekendje met haar vader, moeder, zusje en oma komt Roos erachter dat ze juist in de verbinding met haar familie veel kan leren over spiritualiteit.

Het Nu wordt een korte fictiefilm over mindfulness en meditatie. De film raakt aan diverse bekende thema’s binnen de meditatie, zoals aandacht en onze perceptie van de realiteit. Daarnaast raakt het ook aan minder besproken thema’s, zoals de drang om onze gedachten en emoties te beheersen en te controleren. Het Nu is een film die ingaat op de belevingswereld van iemand die mediteert.

My involvement: Foley Assistent

Click here for more information about this project


Symbiosis – Polymorf

Somewhere 200 years in the future, on the ruins of an inhospitable Anthropocene, after climate change has changed the world beyond recognition, Symbiosis takes place. This post-human biotope might be rich and teaming with new artificial or enhanced biochemical life: new genetically altered life forms, (chemical) robots, hybrid technologies, and/or autonomous intelligent systems. They are all sharing resources, habitats, bodies and information in an inclusive way on the premise of: Symbiosis.

Symbiosis is a performative, multiuser and multisensory VR installation in which the human body will be redesigned. It allows every participant to embody a post-human or even nonhuman reality: a completely symbiotic human-animal or human-technologic relationship. Dutch experience design collective POLYMORF investigates in a speculative way how a more symbiotic exchange of genetic, cultural and technological traits between people and other present or future living entities can increase or change the agency of all. How will such affect future coexistence, legal rights and relationships between humans and all other living entities on a physical, emotional and spiritual level?

My involvement: During my internship at polymorf I programmed behaviour of various creatures in the experience

Click here for more information about this project